Scout Troops 235 B (Boys) & 7235 G (Girls)
- Troop 235 B (Boys) was established in October 1963 and chartered by Fort Hill Presbyterian Church in Clemson South Carolina while Troop 7235 G (Girls) was established in 2019.
- Troop 235 has awarded the Eagle rank to over 250 scouts - see our Roll of Eagle Scouts on this website. Troop 7235 will have Eagle scouts beginning in 2021.
- The troops camp and hike regularly. Since 1980, we have averaged over 35 nights of camping per year in over 12 camping trips (weekend and long-term) per year.
- High Adventure outings are a hallmark of our Outdoor Program. At Sea Base in Florida, we take crews for Sea Exploring or Scuba Adventure and typically go to Philmont in New Mexico every third or fourth year. We also organize a 10-day adventure trip (Mountain biking, backpacking, and kayaking) to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Michigan Upper Peninsula. We take crews for a 10-day canoe trip in the Minnesota Boundary Waters or to the same BSA base for the OKPIK winter adventure and have started taking crews to the new BSA High Adventure Base (The Summit) in West Virginia. In 2018, we organized an Epic Trip to Colorado, Utah and New Mexico visiting and camping at various National Parks. In 2021, we have planned a 19 day adventure exploring and canoeing portions of the Lewis and Clark exploratory trail in Montana plus visiting and camping at National Parks in the area. We also do local high adventure trips with our older scouts-backpacking on the Appalachian Trail (30 to 50 miles), Edisto and New River canoe trips, and backpacking trips in nearby National Forests and to Cumberland Island, GA, as examples. We also routinely visit historical and ecological sites in the Carolinas and surrounding states.
- We have one the best trained and consistent group of adult leaders found anywhere. Our Scoutmaster has held that position since 1980 and has built a group of 15 well-trained Assistant Scoutmasters, many of whom are Woodbadge trained.
- On average we have 55 to 65 active boys and 10 girls in the two troops. Between 30 and 35 of these scouts in 6th thru 9th grade are in five patrols (Raccoon, Raven, Red Baron, and Roadrunner—all T-235 and Raptor – T-7235) and 20 to 30 scouts in 10th thru 12th grade are organized into a Junior Leadership Corps, a Senior Leadership Corps and a group of Junior Asst. Scoutmasters-high school seniors.
- Successive leadership responsibility as the scout grows along with our active high adventure program is the hallmark of the Troops’ success in keeping older scouts in the program.
- Scouting is all about service and both Troops combine to generate over 1500 hours annually of service to the local Pickens/Oconee county communities through various Troop and Eagle service projects. For example, over the past 20 years, we have collected over 4000 lbs of food every year for the local food bank as part of the National Scouting for Food Good Turn.